As you can see it was raining during cocktail hour this Saturday on the dock. All the stuff that people accumulate during the summer on the dock was still there, but of course, it isn't summer any more. There was no one around.
But, that's fine with us. As the rain pounded down, Frances cooked a great dinner of fish and squash. The inside of the boat smelled so good! Pooka decided to relax as we got ready for dinner.
We probably have only two weeks left before we head out to our winter home.
We fired up the engines they came to life and warmed up perfectly.
Frances will be away next weekend so I'll probably use that time to take stuff off the boat and then call it a day. No fun being on the boat alone and no fun going back to Portland. But, we have a lot of things we'd like to fix during the winter.
A couple of more post for this summer.... and then we begin winter.