Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Let there be light

Okay, the reading lights that have consumed three (or is it four?) weekends are finally installed and working. They look great and provide the light we wanted but they took much longer to install than we thought they would. We doubt that anyone will ever notice them, which we suppose it's the way it's supposed to be.

You might as well see the port side, as well.

That's enough of the lights. We are moving on to other projects.

The rotten triangles project is also coming along. The inside piece is now in place. Nice fit. That will be painted to match the section above it and then, hopefully, disappear.

To wire the new lights, we had to open the hatches and crawl down into the engine space. While we were there, we inspected the engines and all the cooling connections. No water or coolant mixture in the bilge, which is always a good sign. Belts were tight, Wiring was secure and it looked as though we could simply turn the keys and cruise down the river. Not quite yet, unfortunately. We still have two more months before we can get back into the water.

But the river is out there and before we leave, we almost always have to see it. Very cool breeze, clear skies and not a soul in sight. This weekend the river was high, It just touched flood stage and then receded. It will be back up again as the snow in Vermont melts and we'll be here to see that too. Then we're looking forward to riding that river downstream this spring.

We shot some video that our You Tube followers will probably consider a waste of time. We try to plan in advance, what we want to show and that works until actually doing the work gets in the way of shooting the video. That means that some of what you see isn't in the original order. But who cares?  It's fun for us to do and sharpens our editing skills.

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