Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's getting late

Even if we had planned for it, this wasn't the weekend to leave Norwich for our winter home in Portland. The warm whether turned cold somewhat quickly and our original plan, to leave next weekend now, seemed like good sense.

We continued to take stuff off the boat on Saturday. We started the engines, after checking all the fluids, and let them warm up for about 30 minutes. Everything worked fine.

On Sunday (after a nice warm night of sleep thanks to our old AC unit on "heat" mode) we really began loading up. We also put on and tied down our winterizing supplies because it's a very long walk from the car to the boat once we get to Portland. We had a lot of laughs figuring out how to run a line through all of those anti-freeze jugs. But, even if we run into some rough weather, the jugs won't be able to slide all over the deck.

Also on Sunday, our dockmate Sue had her boat, "Obsession," hauled out at the boat launch at nearby Brown Park. We've seen this done a hundred times but we had to shoot some video of it, anyway.

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