Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pump'in the pink stuff

If you have a boat with a fresh water system and you live in New England, it's always nice to see the pink antifreeze filling all the pipes and fittings before the weather gets really cold.

On Saturday, that's what we did even though the temperature outside was in the high 50s. This is always a tedious process since we have to make sure that antifreeze is everywhere, including the shower sump, the water heater, the head and holding tank and even the air conditioning.

So, we pissed away another 10 gallons of the pink stuff and now we're ready for winter.

Frances did the heavy lifting since Bill's back still isn't quite up to it. Bill's back is much better but Frances decreed that for that healing to continue, she'd take charge of anything that weighed more than five pounds. And she did.

We also took a few more things off of the boat, put away lines and fenders and generally made things ship shape.

The docks at the boat yard were almost empty and that's good because the place is full of winter storage boats once again. There was lots of activity among the boat owners with most doing the same thing that we were.

The old girl is back in her accustomed spot between our old neighbors. We have a list of things to do over the winter but thankfully, no heavy engine work.

Looking back at the summer's log book
It's always interesting to see how far we traveled and what all that cost. No complaints from us; We used the boat for five months as our summer cottage and if we never moved it at all, that would still be fine.

For Summer, 2015, we traveled 228.3 miles and used 364 gallons of gas at a cost of $1,217. We ran the engines for 31.4 hours and over the entire May-to-November season, averaged just 7.3 miles per hour.

Costs not shown in the log book include kitty litter for Pooka, the boat cat, who had a wonderful summer basking in the sun and looking at birds he couldn't catch and of course, some Vodka for Bill. 

We're looking forward to doing it all again, next summer.

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